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Capo Mannu


The home of surfing

Found 22 kilometres from Oristano, Capo Mannu is a headland that with its lighthouse forms the northerly point of the Sinis peninsula. One of the most popular destinations in Europe for surfers and windsurfers due to its unique exposure to the mistral, it has become one of Italy's benchmarks for kitesurfing on the waves in recent years. Every year it hosts the "Cape of the Cape", a nationwide surfing competition.

The Sinis territory is ideal to be visited in different ways, either on foot, off-road or by mountain bike. They range from the lakeside areas of Cabras to the Sale Porcus Oasis, from the naturalistic oasis of Seu to the white beaches of Is Arutas, to the imposing cliffs of Su Tingiosu. A must-see is the Island of Mal di Ventre, part of a protected marine area with a colourful array of land and lake environments.

If you drive up the coast from the headland, a fifty-minute drive takes you to the imposing mountain of Montiferru, a massif of volcanic origin that stretches north of Oristano, between the Campidano plain and the sea. It is an area covered with dense forests, streams, small waterfalls and springs, including the famous Siete Fuentes, or "Seven Springs", near the Romanesque church of San Leonardo.  

Capo Mannu

Capo Mannu, 09070 San vero Milis OR, Italia

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