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Quartiere di Stampace


The district of Stampace with its medieval appearance is divided between ‘Stampace alto’ and ‘Stampace basso’. Together with that of Villanova it constituted the expansion area of the ancient city, but today it is part of the historical centre of Cagliari. It still retains its medieval urban structure. In the uniformity of the houses, along Via Azuni, the monumental churches of St Michele and St Annastand out, but the visit to Stampace is also and above all knowledge of the civilisations that have crossed the history of Cagliari.The Roman amphitheatre, the villa of Tigellio, in the inner part of the district, but also the interesting complex of the necropolis of Tuvixeddu together with the cave of the Viper are precious caskets that testify to the belonging of these places to the ancient Punic and Roman settlement.

Quartiere di Stampace

Stampace, Cagliari CA, Italia

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