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In this very district, "on Casteddu", the locals identify the entire city because, in fact, a lot of the island's history has passed from this ancient rock. The hill of Castello, with its ramparts and sentinel-like towers, almost looks like a crown on top of the high and steep city. From Piazza Matteotti, terminus of buses, trains and ships, follow the wide and tree-lined Via Carlo Felice, then Via Manno, with a more business-like spirit, which rises at the foot of the bastion of Saint Remy and the grandiose access door to the ancient and panoramic fortress, a privileged destination for visiting Cagliari. The structure of the district, blocked from its origins by the shape of the hill, elongated and steeply sloping, has remained virtually unchanged: narrow roads, local handicraft workshops, and of course, churches and historic buildings. It is here that you will find the Citadel of Museums with the National Archaeological Museum, the National Pinacoteca, the Siamese Museum Cardu and the Collection of Anatomical Waxes. The archaeological collection "Evan Gorga" and the Museum of the lithic industries of prehistoric and protohistoric Sardinia (which can be visited by appointment) are located at the Department of Archaeological Sciences.


Cagliari CA, Italia

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