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Temple of Antas


The Àntas valley, once rich in iron deposits, contains many archaeological treasures including the temple that bears its name, dedicated in Roman times to Sardus Pater Babi (or Babay), an ancient god of Sardinia, whose name also appears in other inscriptions found on the island. Discovered in the 19th century, the temple underwent a lengthy restoration, which began in 1967 and was only completed in 1976.

It was built on the remains of an ancient Carthaginian place of worship, of which it retains certain features, such as the tripartite plan and the tanks which stored water for the purifying baths. It looks like a Hellenistic-style building, with a rectangular plan and four columns at the front, preceded by a staircase.  To get there from Iglèsias, follow state highway 126 northwards for about 2 km, immersed in a landscape that at times is even wild.

Temple of Antas
SS 126 - Strada per Antas Bivio per Antas dalla, SS126, 09010 Fluminimaggiore SU, Italia
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