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This quiet town takes its name from the Latin "super sanum" ("healthier than healthy"), referring to the environment of the area home to the Bosco Belvedere, a forest dating back several millennia to the post-glacial period that once encompassed 16 municipalities here. Deforestation of the area began in the second half of the 18th century and continued until the second half of the 19th century, leaving very little woodland behind. In the historic centre of the town stands a sturdy Norman castle that was restructured during the Renaissance. The mother church, dedicated to San Michele, was built in the 18th century. The Museo del Bosco (Forest Museum) preserves historical and archaeological evidence that reveals Supersano's ancient roots. Along the main road from Supersano to Casarano, you will find the area's real attraction, the Sanctuary of the Blessed Virgin of Coelimanna (1746) with her crypt. Carved into the rock, it has an irregular shape and an earthen floor. The walls are frescoed with images of saints and Greek and Latin inscriptions. Continuing on, in the Serra del Mucurone, we find the Serra di Coelimanna Natural Park, which was opened in 2008 to restore the ancient tratturi: the tracks once formed by sheep flocks passing through and trampling down the grass. Today, it is a green oasis of 2,000 square metres that stretches across the area. Today, this park is a green oasis covering 2,000 square metres, where you can relax or take part in outdoor activities. The surrounding countryside offers expanses of olive trees and vineyards from which IGT wines such as Negroamaro are made.


73040 Supersano LE, Italia

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