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A town in the Salento region, Nardò caresses the Ionian Sea with the hamlets of Santa Maria al Bagno, Santa Caterina and Sant'Isidoro. The town centre is embellished by splendid Baroque architecture, while in the surrounding countryside it is the masserie (farms) that shape the land, and the olives that give it its flavour. Along the coast, where part of the territory is included in the Park of Portoselvaggio and Palude del Capitano, imposing watchtowers peer out over the sea, as if still searching for the ancient enemies that came from there. And it is still the sea that today tells its story and its beauty with the aquarium that has been set up in Santa Maria al Bagno, a place where everyone can listen to the vicissitudes of the sea and how they have over time forged the soul of Nardò and... its destiny.


Nardò LE, Italia

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