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Monte Sant'Angelo


Monte Sant'Angelo can be reached by following a winding road with an impressive viewpoint over the Gulf of Manfredonia. The symbol of the town is the Sanctuary of San Michele, a Unesco World Heritage Site. A flight of steps carved into the rock leads to the Sacra Grotta, the site of the apparition of the Archangel. Starting from the basilica, one enters the characteristic Junno quarter, a maze of narrow alleys and clustered houses with white façades. In the bakeries, you can taste filled wafers, sweets filled with almonds and honey. The memory of history is still alive in the Norman castle, the Tomb of Rotari and the San Francesco complex. Outside the town centre, it is possible to immerse oneself in the enveloping nature of the Umbra Forest with its beech forests, also a Unesco World Heritage Site.

Monte Sant'Angelo

71037 Monte Sant'Angelo FG, Italia

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