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The historic centre of the village of Casamassima welcomes visitors with its elegant Clock Tower, overlooking the town's main square, and the Church of the Purgatory, another fine piece of architecture. But the heart of the village is its Castle, an ancient aristocratic palace, whose history, according to legend, is closely linked to the name 'the blue town' by which Casamassima is known. The castle was in fact the residence of the Vaaz feudal lords, Jews of Portuguese origin. During the 17th century, Michele Vaaz, then lord of the town, decided to paint the town's houses sky blue, the colour of the Madonna's mantle, as a prayer to ask that the town be preserved from the plague epidemic. Today, blue remains the colour of the village, its distinctive sign and enhances its beauty, making it unique.


70010 Casamassima BA, Italia

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