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Alpe Veglia and Alpe Devero Natural Park


The Alpe Veglia and Alpe Devero Natural Park, crowned by the peaks of the Western Lepontine Alps, is a geologically and mineralogically valuable natural environment. The natural environment is that of high-altitude grasslands formed on glacial basins in an area of abundant lakes and streams. The flora is as rich as the alpine fauna, which is easily observed. A park information point is open in the summer on the Veglia plain, from where an intricate network of roads and paths is available to walkers and mountain bikers. There are multiple routes, ranging from 4 to around 20 km in length, with varying degrees of difficulty, on tarmac or dirt mule tracks, exposed and steep paths. The views span the entire Alpe Veglia valley and the Alpine crown, culminating in the summit of Mount Leone, and the Cairasca valley, overlooking the mountains and glaciers of the nearby Swiss territory. The Park Management Body is located in Varzo at Villa Gentinetta.

Alpe Veglia and Alpe Devero Natural Park

Varzo VB, Italia

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