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The Don Bosco Trail


A trail between art and spirituality

A trail that winds through art and landscapes at the discovery of churches, chapels, small villages and farmhouses scattered among the hills of Turin. A route that follows the itinerary of Don Bosco’s childhood, training and education, and that today echoes with spirituality.

It starts from the Basilica of Maria Ausiliatrice (a symbolic location for the Salesian order, where San Giovanni Bosco is buried) and continues up to Colle Don Bosco (Castelnuovo Don Bosco, Asti).

It is not difficult and, therefore, it lends itself to various types of itineraries: from a one-day walk to the most demanding trekking routes, with walks that are several days long and a possible return to Turin along a loop route.

Beyond the sporting and spiritual interest, walking along the Trail gives the opportunity to discover a rich heritage of small and large historical, artistic and gastronomic excellences, including wine and good food, representing an added value to this hilly territory south of Turin.

The Don Bosco Trail

Sentiero 29, 10132 Superga TO, Italia

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