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Once upon a time there was a castle on the outskirts of Turin.

The pride of Rivoli is its castle. The former Savoy residence now houses a Museum of Contemporary Art but you should know that in the past the fortress has also turned a blind eye to gambling. 

In the 1940s the halls of the castle have repeatedly heard the phrase “les jeux sont faits, rien ne va plus!” used by croupiers to stop player betting. Frequent frequenter of this “royal” roulette also the great director Vittorio De Sica.

Once the casino is closed, the building on the hill overlooking Turin and the city of Rivoli can be reached along what is the longest straight avenue in Europe: Corso Francia, 13 kilometers that connect the city of La Mole to the town. 

Along this road known as "Stradone Reale di Francia", since it takes up the ancient Turin route of the Via Francigena, you can put a flag on other key points: from the baroque Villa Tesoriera to the Leumann Village, a workers' district built towards the end of the 19th century.


10098 Rivoli TO, Italia

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