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The town of Gavi is often associated with the exquisite Cortese wine, produced in the surrounding area, with and the imposing military fort that dominates the town from a hilltop. There are, however, several other points of interest scattered among the buildings in the historic centre, which is ideal for a pleasant stroll.

The oldest buildings are designed and decorated in the typically Ligurian trompe l'oeil style, which creates illusionistic effects on the city façades. Moreover, Gavi remained Genoese territory throughout the modern era until 1815, when it passed into the hands of the Savoys.

From the spacious Piazza Dante, you can walk through some picturesque alleyways to reach the church of San Giacomo Maggiore. Passing through the sculpted portal in the centre of the façade, a masterpiece of the medieval era, you enter an evocative atmosphere, adorned with sacred artwork and Baroque-style decorations.


15066 Gavi AL, Italia

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