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Gian Giacomo Galletti Civic Museums – Palazzo San Francesco


A recently-renovated building which is part stately home, part church and part museum. On the ground floor is the former Franciscan church, whose interior is decorated with medieval frescoes and capitals and which is now a hall used for temporary exhibitions. On the first floor is the Museum of Natural Sciences, where the lighting creates a spectacle both day and night. It houses a collection of stuffed animals, botanical and wildlife exhibits from the Ossola valleys. The second floor is where you can see artefacts of archaeology and sacred art as well as the art gallery dedicated to the Vigezzini artists. The works on display include vast altarpieces created by Giuseppe Mattia Borgnis, an expert in Italian baroque painting.

Gian Giacomo Galletti Civic Museums – Palazzo San Francesco

Piazza Paola Angela Ruminelli 1, 28845 Domodossola VB, Italia

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