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Zegna Panoramic Road


It was 1938 when Ermenegildo Zegna gave orders for the construction of the Strada Panoramica , a road designed to bring people to the mountains and make them accessible for all. 500,000 conifers and other species including rhododendrons and azaleas have been planted here, transforming a barren environment into a scenic and vibrant landscape. From Valsessera to the Cervo valley, through Trivero, where Zegna founded his wool factory in 1910. Along the 26 km of road from Trivero to Rosazza, this is the section with the best scenery, as it is lined with hills, hummocks and views of the Sessera valley. The route climbs up the slopes of the San Bernardo hill as far Bocchetta di Stavello and Bocchetta di Margosio, where the view of Mount Rosa is breathtaking. The road then climbs up Mount Marca to the ski resorts of Bielmonte, at an altitude of 1500 metres.

Zegna Panoramic Road

13844 Piatto BI, Italia

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