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MeBo - Menabrea Botalla Museum


MeBo – Menabrea Botalla Museum, is the result of a collaboration between twotraditional industries of Biella: Menabrea and Botalla, which have joined forces to create an exhibition space that narrates the story and processes involved in the production of beer and cheese. There are two museums. The first, Casa Menabrea (Beer Museum), tells the story of the brewery's 170-year history through advertisements, posters, awards, books and photographs. The production process is illustrated by the ingredients used, the restored machinery dating from 1846, bottles, pitchers and mugs. The Cheese Museum, Casa Botalla, instead offers an immersion in the dairy tradition of the Biella Alps, illustrating the characteristics of the mountain pastures and native breeds of livestock, the vintage tools and the stages involved in the modern-day cheesemaking process.

MeBo - Menabrea Botalla Museum

Via Eriberto Ramella Germanin, 2/A, 13900 Biella BI, Italia

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