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Serravalle Scrivia


At the foot of the Ligurian Apennines, where the Borbera stream flows into the Scrivia river, Serravalle Scrivia occupies a rather wild, hilly territory. Easily accessible by motorway, the town is known for its historic centre, which was owned by the Republic of Genoa for many centuries, as well as for a big brand shopping outlet that attracts visitors from all over. Before exploring the woods and vineyards around Serravalle Scrivia, archaeology enthusiasts can visit the Libarna Archaeological Area, which occupies the southern area of the municipality. Located along the Via Postumia, which in Roman times connected Liguria and Veneto, along its streets towered the majestic forms of an amphitheatre, a forum and a theatre, which still bear witness to the town's importance.

Serravalle Scrivia

15069 Serravalle Scrivia AL, Italia

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