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Via Cassia


From the Roman Beverly Hills to Giotto's Tower

"Cassia" as an ancient Roman patrician family, but also as the consular road that connected Rome to Florence at the time of the Republic.

The Via Cassia initially ended in Chiusi while its mileage starts from the Flaminia branch at Ponte Milvio. From here it winds sinuously towards one of the most chic residential districts of the Capital: Olgiata. Known as the “Roman Beverly Hills” it is inhabited by numerous VIPs. Eyes open, could cross the street your heart actor.

Along the way in the Tuscan hinterland, between one curve and another, you will find numerous villages in the provinces of Siena, Arezzo, Florence, Pistoia and Lucca, where you can stop to enjoy a glass of wine, olive oil or a good coffee. Do not forget that we are in the homeland of the boiled and the Florentine.

There is also a Small Cassia that continues the route of the most famous Via Cassia and that crosses the territory between Modena and Bologna. The Romans used it to reach the Po Valley and then arrive in France, so much so that it was called via Francisca or Francigena.

Via Cassia

Via Cassia, Roma RM, Italia

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