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Opicina Tram


Trieste's historic public transport

The Opicina Tram connects the centre of Trieste with the hill village of Opicina. In operation since 9 September 1902, it is one of the few tram lines in the world to still use a rack-and-pinion system, by which it manages to cope with the difference in height of around 350 metres distributed along the route.

Along a route aboutfive kilometres long, it is possible to admire a very picturesque hilly landscape with fascinating viewpoints over the capital of Friuli and the entire bay. Used daily as public transport by the many commuters and tourists, this vehicle will allow you to take an unusual route with unusual views of the city.

Despite the technological improvements it has undergone over the years, the Opicina Tram has retained its historic character, uniting several generations and becoming one of Trieste's most famous attractions.

Opicina Tram

34151 Opicina TS, Italia

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