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As in neighbouring Sacile, the town has thrived since time immemorial on the water and nature of the first stretch of the Livenza River. The river has its source near the town, from the springs at the biotope of Palù di Livenza and those of Gorgazzo, and flows through Polcenigo, contributing to a particularly pleasant and peaceful tourist visit. The river environment explains the origins of the Thèst (i.e. "basket") Fair, which has been held every year in early September for more than three centuries. As the harvest approached, the farmers needed new baskets, which were made by intertwining the reeds grown next to the waters. Initially, the meeting was held at the Sources of Livenza at the Sanctuary of the Holy Trinity, but it has long since moved to the historic centre, and the reeds have been joined by other materials typical of local craftsmanship.

On the hill above the village is a castle with a troubled history, which now looks more like an 18th-century palace: it has not yet been fully restored, but is in a panoramic position that is excellent for walking. Halfway to the Castle is the parish church of San Giacomo Apostolo, with a sixteenth-century doorway, thirteenth-century frescoes and eighteenth-century wooden furnishings. In the village below, there are other churches, such as that of Santa Maria della Salute, and 16th–17th century noble residences, including the elegant Palazzo Fullini Zaia on the central Piazza Plebiscito

Not far from the latter, the tiny Museum of Cooking Art in Alto Livenza recalls with kitchen utensils, photographs, letters and recipes the emigration that from the area of Polcenigo, Budoia, Caneva and Fontanafredda brought and still brings hundreds of cooks to make a name for themselves in various parts of Italy and the world.


33070 Polcenigo PN, Italia

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