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A small village in the heart of the Apennines

Tredozio is located in the Valle del Tramazzo in the Tuscan-Romagna Apennines, in the northern part of the Parco Nazionale delle Foreste Casentinesi. Lago di Ponte and its surrounding hiking trails offer a wonderful immersion in nature.

Not far away is the volcanic Monte Busca, also known as Buca del Diavolo or the Devil’s Mouth. A single flame sprouts from the Earth here, fuelled by natural gas, making it the world’s smallest volcano. It is said to have inspired Dante Alighieri.

The village, called Castrum Treudacium by the Romans, belonged to the Guidi counts from 1110 to 1428, and then passed to the Medici family from Florence. Strolling through the historical centre, you can admire Renaissance palaces influenced by Florentine power, as well as a few 18th-century gems.

Highlights include the medieval Torre Civica and Oratorio della Compagnia, the Mercatale alley which was the former village entrance, Palazzo Fantini from 1750 with its Italian garden, Pieve San Michele Arcangelo church with its 14th-century wooden crucifix, the former monastery of Saint Annunziata from the 16th century and the Castellaccio of the Guidi counts, also called Castello dell’Aquila due to its location, perched like an eagle.


47019 Tredozio FC, Italia

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