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Lake Moo


An Apennine lake of glacial origin

One of the most fascinating and well-trodden routes in Piacenza is undoubtedly the one that takes you from the small municipality of Ferriere to the panoramic peak of Monte Ragola, passing through the hamlet of Canadello and skirting around the Lago Moo and Lago Bino lakes.

Of glacial origin, today Lago Moo has almost completely disappeared because of the presence of marsh flora. However, this small, oval-shaped lake is still home to numerous native animal species, including the Alpine Newt and dragonflies. The best season to visit the lake is definitely summer, when a carpet of yellow water lilies covers the surface of the water, creating a cacophony of bright and extremely vivid colours. Just a few hundred metres higher up, continuing along the beaten path, you come to Lago Bino, with a larger quantity of water, and the Prato Grande, a green expanse, also of glacial origin, where you can rest and relax among nature or at the mountain hut.

Lake Moo

Lago Moo, 29024 Ferriere PC, Italia

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