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Jewish Cemetery


The Jewish Cemetery is located in the area known as the "Orto degli Ebrei", which was acquired by the Jewish community of Ferrara in the 18th century. At the entrance, a striking portal built in 1911, decorated with a Star of David and the Hebrew words "Cimitero Israelitico". The tombstones found date back to the 18th century due to various pillages committed in the previous century. Furthermore, on the instructions of the Inquisition, many of the finds were used for the column on which the statue of Borso d'Este stands at the Palazzo del Municipio. Some gravestones have great artistic significance, such as that of Giorgio Bassani, who died in 2000, created by Arnaldo Pomodoro.


Sunday - Friday
09:00 am-12:00 pm
Jewish Cemetery
16, Via delle Vigne, 12, 44121 Ferrara FE, Italia
Call +390532751337 Website
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