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Polla, for those coming from the north, it represents the gateway to the Vallo di Diano. The town is literally cut in two by the Tanagro river and access to the historic centre is via an ancient and monumental bridge from the Roman era.

The village, of medieval origins, contains many interesting historical and cultural attractions: churches and noble palaces, the Museum of Traditional Clothes, the 12th century Castle and the Convent of St. Anthony, which represents one of the most significant monuments of Franciscan art in Campania.

The hamlet of San Pietro, on the other hand, on the opposite bank of the river, is home to the remains of an early Roman settlement along the "via Popilia" and the famous "Lapis Pollae", which represents the most important evidence of the construction of the Roman road that connected Capua with Reggio Calabria.

In Polla there is also a site of considerable interest for speleology and archaeology enthusiasts: the Cave of Polla, a cavity more than 900 metres deep, with artefacts dating from the Neolithic to the Bronze Age.


84035 Polla SA, Italia

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