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Cape Palinuro


A promontory on the Cilento coast

The promontory of Cape Palinuro, on the Cilento coast, overlooks the sea between the Gulf of Velia and the Gulf of Policastro. The headland, known for its characteristic pentadactyl or five-fingered shape, looks like an open hand reaching out towards the sea. It is one of the most beautiful stretches of coastline in Campania, with sheer rocks up to 50 metres in height.

Cape Palinuro is linked to Virgil's Aeneid and is named after the helmsman of Aeneas, who fell in love with the nymph Kamaraton, following her to the cliffs of the cape, which has born his name ever since. On the headland there is a lighthouse, while all around it there are 32 caves, above and below the water. It is a true paradise for diving enthusiasts.

The most famous cave is the Grotta Azzurra, with two underwater entrances. The 'Blood Cave' takes its name from the reddish colour of the walls, while the rocky formations in the Monks' Cave are reminiscent of monks in prayer. In the Silver Cave and the Cala Fetente ("Fetid Cave"), you will notice a smell like rotten eggs due to the presence of sulphur springs.

The Dune, Arco Naturale, Marinella and Mingardo beaches are not to be missed. The Baia Buondormire or "Bay of Good Sleep" can only be reached by boat.

Cape Palinuro

Capo Palinuro, Italia

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