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Herculaneum Theatre


Currently located outside the Herculaneum excavations, the theatre, still encased in the tufa bank, was excavated during the 18th century. Today, it is possible to walk along a series of ramps, staircases and tunnels that allow you to see underground parts of this building, descending to orchestra level, whose floor is made of white marble. The stage space is largely occupied by two large 18th-century pylons built, for structural reasons, by Francesco La Vega. The scenic façade features the royal gate in the centre, and, on the sides, the two hospital doors and four niches, in which the statues recovered from the galleries of Prince d'Elboeuf were originally placed. These include the so-called Small and Large Herculaneum, now in the Dresden Museum.

Herculaneum Theatre
Corso Resina, 123, 80056 Ercolano NA, Italia
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