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Laino Borgo


The territory of Laino Borgo is located along the southern border of Lucania, in the mountainous basin that culminates to the west with Mount Rossino (1,168 m) and Mount Ciagola (1,463 m) and to the east with Mount Pollino (2,248 m). Laino Borgo also has several caves, some of which are of archaeological, historical and botanical interest: among the most important one are the 'grottoes of the brigands' in Malomo and Traversa, and the wonderful 'cave of the Capelvenere' in Difesa, which can be accessed via an impervious and evocative path. This area of Calabria first recorded the presence of man and was therefore inhabited continuously from the earliest times. Human fossils, weapons and various Palaeolithic objects found in the caves of the area have proven that Neanderthal man was present in Calabria.


Laino Borgo

87014 Laino Borgo CS, Italia

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