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Serra Di Crispo


Serra di Crispo (2,053 m) is one of the northernmost peaks of the Pollino Massif as well as being among the highest peaks together with Serra Dolcedorme (2,267 m), Monte Pollino (2,248 m), Serra del Prete (2,180 m) and Serra delle Ciavole (2,130 m). It is almost entirely on the Lucanian side except for the last southern part straddling Basilicata and Calabria. In its beautiful limestone cliffs dwells the Loricate pine, and on the western slope, there are also many beech trees with a modification of the trunk bark divided into polygonal plates very similar to those on the trunks of the Loricate pine. The phenomenon could be due to the need for these specimens to adapt to particularly difficult environmental conditions. The biggest valleys in Pollino start from Serra: Valle del Frido (San Severino Lucano), Valle del Raganello (San Lorenzo Bellizzi, Civita), Valle del Sarmento (San Costantino Albanese, Terranova di Pollino).

Serra Di Crispo

Serra Di Crispo, 85030 Terranova di Pollino PZ, Italia

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