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The Carlo Levi Literary Park


Over the years, Aliano has increasingly become a place of life and inspiration for the writer Carlo Levi. Houses, streets, but also landscapes and countryside depicted in the text become a cultural and environmental heritage to be protected, promoted and made more and more accessible to visitors through sensory itineraries aimed at reviving the memory of the man of letters and allowing visitors to experience, taste, feel, touch and observe everything that led the author to write historic pages of literature.

The Carlo Levi Literary Park is made up of a welcome, guided tours and spectacular events, and includes activities, food and wine and handicrafts, managed and promoted with the character of continuity, strongly linked to the territory and which have become a point of reference in the local cultural panorama.

All the Park's initiatives aim to recover and enhance local identity, culture, history and traditions, carry out programmes aimed at disseminating and raising awareness of literature, figurative arts and entertainment, promote studies, research, conferences, publications, exhibitions, shows, competitions and literary awards of particular interest.

The Carlo Levi Literary Park

Str. Provinciale Aliano - Alianello, 5, 75010 Aliano MT, Italia

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