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Scurcola Marsicana


In the province of Aquila, on the slopes of Mount San Nicola rises Scurcola Marsicana, a village that welcomes the traveller with the beauty of its landscapes, its ancient rituals and above all with the genuine hospitality of its people. Around the village there is a mountain panorama of a meager, essential beauty; do not miss the magnificent Orsini Castle, thirteenth century but adapted in the Renaissance, the Piani Palentini Necropolis, which instead narrates the territory's more archaic and mysterious past; the pretty and well-preserved historic centre and the hamlet of Cappelle dei Marsi. Lastly, the events that take place during the Easter period are unique, very intense and evocative: the Last Supper, with which the Last Supper is commemorated, and the Calvary or Via Crucis, which includes a heartfelt procession involving the four Confraternities of the country and the entire population.

Scurcola Marsicana

67068 Scurcola Marsicana AQ, Italia

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