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Anversa degli Abruzzi


Anversa degli Abruzzi, in the province of Aquila, is an ancient medieval village enclosed by an outer wall of houses that guard the oldest centre, where the old Norman Castle stands, from which the tall ruin of its watchtower stands out.

The village has ancient origins and, walking through the narrow alleys and arched subways carved between the houses, it seems as if the centuries have never passed. At one time, the village was known for the production of terracotta, bricks and plaster and in recent years this tradition has been revived, with the establishment of a ceramics workshop.

Finally, Anversa is part of the 'Gabriele D'Annunzio' Literary Park: it is in this area, in fact, that D'Annunzio's tragedy 'La fiaccola sotto il moggio' is set.

Learn more:

La Riserva Naturale - Riserva Gole del Sagittario (

Anversa degli Abruzzi

67030 Anversa degli Abruzzi AQ, Italia

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