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5 prelibatezze lombarde: un territorio tutto da gustare

2 minuti

La Lombardia è una terra da scoprire anche attraverso i suoi sapori. Dall’olio al vino, dal tartufo al salame, fino ai formaggi dop: quelle che vi presentiamo e invitiamo ad assaggiare sono 5 specialità tipiche, per altrettante esperienze di gusto tutte diverse tra loro.
Una nuova dimensione per il palato attraverso l’assaggio delle materie prime della regione.

The gold of Garda


Fruity with an aftertaste of sweet almonds, the oil produced on Lake Garda is one of Lombardy's excellences. Thanks to the area's microclimate, the extra virgin PDO has led to true gastronomic tourism, for its delicate flavour and the harmony of its organoleptic notes. It is tasted on guided tours from the Valtenesi hills to the villages of the Riviera, where it is possible to witness its harvesting and pressing. The star condiment at lakeside tables.

The bubbles of Franciacorta

The bubbles of Franciacorta

On the hills of Franciacorta, amidst monasteries and abbeys, villages and castles, it is worth skirting the rows of Pinot Noir, Pinot Blanc and Chardonnay to indulge in a fine toast with a Bianco, Satèn or Rosé. Regardless of the choice, Franciacorta wines stand out for their elegance and freshness. Tasting them is a meditative experience, made even more intense when tried in the Convent of the Madonna della Neve in Adro or the Convent of the Annunciata in Rovato, where the monks have started their own Franciacorta production.

The Mantuan truffle

The Mantuan truffle

The Alto Mantovano is the undisputed home of the nero pregiato, scorzone, nero liscio and marzuolo. We are talking about his majesty the truffle, even larger than an apple, with its unique and unmistakable aroma. This sensational fruit of the earth is accompanied by that which grows along the right bank of the Po, in the Truffle Valley, whose sandy, alluvial soils and temperate, rainy climate are the ideal habitat for numerous varieties, from the “trifolin” to the Tuber Magnatum Pico, the most prized of all.

Varzi salami

Varzi salami

The capital of PDO charcuterie, Varzi boasts a thousand-year-old tradition of pig breeding. It is perhaps the availability of spices and salt that has always characterised this area making the production of salami unique, also thanks to the microclimate, which contributes to its perfect seasoning.

Enjoy it in its delicate sweetness and slightly spicy aftertaste, accompanied by a slice of Micca, a typical hard bread with a crumbly crust, perhaps sipping a glass of red wine.

PDO cheeses

PDO cheeses

Lombardy is the region that produces the largest number of PDO cheeses in Italy, 12 in all, for which as many food and wine itineraries have sprung up inviting you to discover them.

From Bitto to Casera in Valtellina, Silter in Val Camonica, Formaggella made with goat's milk in the Luino area, then Lombardy's Quartirolo, Taleggio, Grana Padano, Gorgonzola, Salva Cremasco, Strachitunt, you really are spoilt for choice. Also worth tasting is the spicy Bagòss di Bagolino, with its delicate saffron notes.

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