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Mulino Vecchio Bellinzago Novarese


The Regional Centre for Environmental Education in Bellinzago, set up with the support of the Piedmont Region, is housed in the Old Mill of the Ticino Valley, which is still the only structure of its kind in a good state of conservation and in perfect working order.
The building is equipped with rooms for the exhibition of maps, historical documentation and objects related to agricultural activity, as well as the millstone room in which plant and machinery are preserved. The grain milling equipment is functional and in good condition: thanks to the water of the Roggia Molinara, the wheel transmits movement to the stone millstones that produce the flour.
The Centre is complemented by a guided trail that allows visitors to observe the natural environments typical of the Park.
Mulino Vecchio Bellinzago Novarese
Roggia Molinara - Valle del Ticino, 28043 Bellinzago Novarese NO, Italia
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